Tell Us What to Do
A lot of our friends and family have given us great recommendations on what to do and see while we are away. To make it easier to send us recommendations we have created that page for you to tell us where to think we should go, what we should do, or where we should eat. Just submit a comment below and we will try our best to visit all of your recommendations.
Comment from Scott
Time October 26, 2009 at 2:49 pm
What household do you speak of? Is the Jeep considered a household if that’s where all our stuff is?
Since that picture was taken I have filled it up with air. I noticed it pulling a little to the right on the highway. Stupid Big-O Tires “fixed” that leak 3 times now.
Glad to hear about your wedding. Hope the honeymoon was warmer than ours… Our wedding was great, you can check out a few pics on previous posts on the site. We’ll try to add more when we get them from the photographer. Hope all is going well back at CG.
Comment from Hipp
Time October 26, 2009 at 1:19 pm
So, loving the blog! And I have to add more comments (sorry). You are probably already through Minn, but Dan and Rachel are up in St. Paul now.
Madison – We were there for the first time back in September. Go to Ian’s – you can get crazy pizzas there, like a mac’n’cheese topped pizza. I enjoyed it.
Have you ever had Yuengling beer? They sell it as far south as NC, but it is from Penn. Check it out, it’s good stuff.
I’ll be back with more when you cross the Mason-Dixon. And if you need a place to stay, do laundry, etc., let me know. There are Hipps across the South. (My sister could give you a good tour of Raleigh and its beers.)
Comment from Courtney
Time October 30, 2009 at 7:30 pm
Mac n Cheese Pizza
Thanks for the suggestion. We stopped at Ian’s in Madison and enjoyed our Mac n’ Cheese Pizza.
Comment from Kristen Johnson
Time October 31, 2009 at 4:27 pm
Hi Cousin – Congrats on your wedding, sorry I couldn’t be there. I just got back from a trip to Italy and my parents told me about your blog – looks like fun!! I see you are going thru St. Louis. If you want to stop I’d love to show you around the city. I live near downtown about a block from Forest Park which is just like Central Park in NYC. It’s a fun hip area with lots of students called the Central West End. I also work in the next neighborhood called The Loop which is a strip of bars, shops and restaurants. Depending on what day you are here you can even see Chuck Berry perform. It looks like you enjoy beer – I could take you over to Budweiser for a tour, stop by the Arch, and maybe gamble at the casinos. Just let me know and I’d be happy to hook you up.
Also, your aunt and uncle are over on the Illinois side of the river in O’Fallon, which is right off Highway 64. You could stop and get a free bed to sleep in, do laundry, homecooked meal – whatever you need (same for me but I’ll have to give you quarters as I don’t have my own washer and dryer and my homecooked meal might be a sandwich, hehe). From looking at your map we also suggest not driving thru East St. Louis. It’s a really bad area you don’t want to get stuck in.
If you are going thru Columbus, Ohio you could stop and see Eric too. He’s a PhD student at the Ohio State University. His new hobby is brewing beer so you could always try the “Johnson special brew” – LOL
I hope you’re having fun and send me an email and I’ll give you my cell phone number.
Comment from Kristen Johnson
Time October 31, 2009 at 4:44 pm
Oh forgot that we have a local brewery called Schlafly where you could also take a tour and sample beer. (two locations in St. Louis – downtown tap room and Maplewood for the bottleworks). I suggest their good seasonal brews.
Comment from Kurt
Time November 2, 2009 at 7:35 pm
Mac and Cheese Pizza and Beer. Yum Yum, it doesn’t get much better then that.
Comment from Tom Davis
Time November 4, 2009 at 6:54 pm
This looks suspiciously like Erin and I travelling through New Zealand.
Comment from Michelle Hamilton
Time November 5, 2009 at 12:11 pm
Hellloo!! Where are the South Bend pics?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? See you guys soon 🙂
Comment from Ron & Sue
Time November 11, 2009 at 9:30 am
Hi young Cousins! Enjoying your blog and traveling vicariously.
Comment from CJ
Time November 22, 2009 at 2:06 pm
You’re finding some of the best treasures of the Deep South – old knarly oak trees with Spanish Moss, Victorian architecture, a s-l-o-w pace of life and drawals so deep, you’ll need to pay close attention or you’ll completely miss the conversation.
Have fun!
Comment from Shannon
Time November 24, 2009 at 2:37 pm
It looks like you guys are eating and drinking your way across the country!!!! Miss you and love watching your site! Good job at keeping it updated!
Comment from Nikkie
Time November 26, 2009 at 4:02 pm
Hey guys!!
Hope you are having a good time on your trip, I have a good feeling you are, seeing as I am watching the smiling faces in the pictures of you where ever you are! I’m enjoying reading about all your adventures, and, not gonna lie, totally jealous of your journey!!!!
However the initial point of this was two fold. One to ask if you have time, before you come back, could you possibly find some sort of a “World’s largest….” something? If not that’s cool, but I have just been thinking that you are bound to come across at least one on your journey, and it would be fun to have a picture of it!
Then my second point, Happy Thanksgiving from Washington! Enjoy handing out dinners to people tonight, and have a good day. We are keeping you in our thoughts as we will sit down here in a couple of hours to share a meal together. So keep warm, and safe. Love you and miss you!
Comment from Arlene Granadosin
Time January 28, 2010 at 5:15 pm
Make sure you guys make it over to this place. It is a vegetarian restaurant that is run as a not-for-profit community organisation and largely staffed by volunteers. Customers decide what they want to pay for their food and drinks. You decide the worth of the food, the
experience, and the philosophy then upon leaving put an anonymous donation into the box on the counter. All locations are in and around Melbourne.
Lentil as Anything_Locations
Lentil as Anything__ Abbotsford Convent
1 St. Heliers Street,
Abbotsford, Victoria 3067
(03) 9419 6444196444
Lentil as Anything _ St Kilda
41 Blessington St
St Kilda VIC 3182
(03) 9534 5833
Lentil as Anything _ Footscray
233 Barkly Street,
Footsgray VIC
Phone: 0424 081 652
Have Fun!
Comment from Arlene
Time February 22, 2010 at 11:24 am
Not sure if you guys are still in Australia, but I hope you got to stop by Byron Bay. There’s a nice hike up to a lighthouse that you can see from the beach. Watch for monstrous (well, monstrous to me) lizards on the trail!
Comment from Diane Johnson
Time May 3, 2010 at 4:18 pm
I check in on your web page every week, I’am enjoying the pictures and your thoughts thanks for sharing it all with us. It looks like you both are having a great time. Keith and I laugh and say, you now have a job you may never come home. Kristen is voting you stay so she can come visit. We’ll keep checking in have fun
Comment from CJ
Time September 1, 2011 at 9:42 pm
Thank you for posting your soccer blog. You’re lucky to have found an activity at a very young age that you so dearly love. It has always been a joy to watch you play – power, speed, agility, strategy, follow through and always, always, playing with your team. Makes a mother so proud.
Loveyou, babe!
Comment from ETRuiz
Time September 18, 2011 at 7:12 pm
Have you camped with the Koala’s yet? Free camping at Blanket Bay ( along the coast road just outside Melbourne about 50k or so, near Apollo Bay.
Comment from Tom Davis
Time October 17, 2012 at 1:05 am
Gone over 1000 days? Want a suggestion on what you should do? Get a job hippies!
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Comment from B-love
Time October 26, 2009 at 10:56 am
Hey, you need air in your front passenger side tire (as noted in your Wyoming picture). Being the man of the household you need to stay up on these things now.
How was the winery wedding? I bet it was a blast. My wedding was phenomenal and we just got back from Hawaii. Enjoy your trip and get back to me when you have a moment.