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Tag: Queensland

The Tropical North

Posted: January 28th, 2012 by Courtney

For the Christmas/New Year’s holiday we meet Scott’s parents, brother and his fiancee in Northern Queensland, then flew to Sydney for New Year’s and finally back to Melbourne.  We all arrived in Cairns on Boxing Day and settled into our apartment in Palm Cove. The next day we set off on the Silversonic to the Outer Great Barrier Reef for some snorkeling and […]

Sailing the Whitsundays

Posted: May 18th, 2010 by Courtney

The Whitsundays are a group of 74 islands off of the Queensland coast.  Most of the islands are designated as national park and are not inhabited, however a few have some luxury resorts on them.  The area is also home to the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef. We booked a 3-day/2-night trip aboard […]

Moreton Island Extreme Adventure

Posted: May 4th, 2010 by Courtney

For Sunday we booked the Extreme Adventure Day Trip to Moreton Island, the third largest sand island in the world.  We got up early to catch our shuttle at 7:00 am for the ride to Moreton Bay, just outside of Brisbane.  When we got there we boarded the Micat for a 1-hour ferry ride across […]