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Archive for June, 2012

Dolphins at Shark Bay

Posted: June 30th, 2012 by Courtney

After a great couple of sunny days in Coral Bay we decided to start making our way back down the coast back to Perth. We stopped at Shark Bay for a few days, which is known for its Shell Beach and the dolphins which inhabit the bay. Shark Bay is a listed World Heritage Site […]

Swimming with the Whale Sharks on the Ningaloo Reef

Posted: June 22nd, 2012 by Courtney

The main reason we wanted to travel through Western Australia was to get a chance to swim with a whale shark. From March to July the whale sharks migrate to the Ningaloo Reef and during that time boat tours take you onto the reef to swim with these large fish (actually the largest fish in […]

Last Stop in Australia: Western Australia

Posted: June 21st, 2012 by Courtney

We said our good-byes to our work colleges and friends, packed up all of belongings, and moved out of our place to stay with Henry, Alicia, Tony and Emma for a few last days in Melbourne. Our last stop in Australia was a 2 ½ week roadtrip in Western Australia with Henry and Alicia. We […]