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Exploring Melbs

Posted: June 25th, 2010 by Courtney

Well, since we got back from Brisbane, I figured I’d better start looking for a job.  I was fortunate to find a recruitment agency and was offered a 5-week temporary position at one of Melbourne’s biggest newspapers, The Age.  So far I have really been enjoying being back in an office environment.  Since we are both working, we haven’t had too much time to travel around.  However, we still enjoy exploring Melbourne and have spent the last month enjoying some of Melbourne’s great restaurants and cafes.  One of the “new” things in Melbourne is cafe’s with alternative brewing methods for coffee.  We went to the Sensory Lab to try out some siphon brewed coffee which we found to be more like American coffee than anything else they have here.

Looks more like a science experiment than a coffee shop

Scott trying his siphon coffee

One of our favorite things about living in Melbs is the Queen Victoria Market.  Its the largest market in the southern hemisphere and is close enough to walk to from our flat.  We usually go every Saturday to enjoy a flat white (espresso with steamed milk, but somehow different than a latte or cappuccino) and do some shopping for the week.

Fruit and veg at Queen Vic Market

One of the stalls in the deli section with marinated olives, cheese, and sausages

You can even get live chickens and ducks

Our main objective of last week’s market trip was to get make pickles.  We bought a preserving jar, cucumbers, salt, vinegar and a few other bits and pieces.  When we got home Scott made some yummy homemade pickles.

Homemade pickles made by Scott (recipe from Michelle, thanks Michelle!)


Comment from Robin
Time June 27, 2010 at 1:27 pm

I think we should add this pickle recipe to our recipe blog.