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Cafes and Waterfalls in Croatia

Posted: October 12th, 2012 by Courtney

From Barcelona we flew to the city of Zagreb, the capital of Croatia.  Within moments we knew we liked Zagreb with its cafe culture and cute old town.  We also liked the relaxed atmosphere of the town and the locals.  We spend most of the day exploring the old town.

Courtney hanging out with the locals.

In the afternoon we rested over a coffee and people-watching in an outdoor cafe.  We dined on local specialities of stuckli, a cottage cheese filled pastry, and the local grilled meats including cevapčići, minced meatballs.

We though this was going to be a “snack size” serving of stuckli

Next, we traveled by bus to Plitvice Lakes National Park, which is known for its cascading waterfalls.  We spent a couple of hours taking the tram up and walking through the park.  Although the day was a bit gloomy we enjoyed the scenery, but perhaps the photos don’t really do it justice.

Water falling over some rocks. No big deal.

Some very clear turquoise water. Makes you want to jump in for a swim