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New Years Eve

Posted: January 2nd, 2010 by Scott

Our time at home is running out and we’ve been trying hard to get a chance to spend time with all of the people important to us before leaving for a year. On New Years Eve we spent a relaxing evening with our friends Paul and Shannon in Long Beach with their kids Andrew and Allison.

This was Andrew’s third New Years and Allison’s first. After a lovely dinner that Shannon and Paul prepared we had rang in the new year… at 8pm (it was the new year somewhere) so that Andrew could take part in the fun and still go to bed at a reasonable time.

Banging Pots at 8pm

Banging Pots at 8pm

Andrew had a great time as did we all. It was so nice to get to spend time with our good friends. We’ll definitely miss you guys while we’re gone.

Allison ready for the new year

Allison is sad to see 2009 end